Tuesday 22 September 2015


I had media studies on the 16/9/2015 we went to a computer room for a change. We were learning about different camera angles. We took pictures from different angles.

This is a medium shot it is used to show actions in a straightforward way

This is an extreme close up it is used to show high emotion and create tension

This is a close up it helps to involve the audience in a scene

This is a long shot it helps to establish where a scene is happening

This is a point of view shot it shows what a character is seeing

This is a low angle shot it makes the audience feel vulnerable

Sunday 20 September 2015


Denotation is the dictionary meaning of the word and connotation is what you think about when you hear the word for example the name 'Hollywood' connotes glamour, glitz, celebrities and dreams and the word 'Hollywood' denotes an area in Los Angeles. I was really confused at the start but miss told us some examples then I started to get it.

Wednesday 9 September 2015


 My definition of mediating is when you resolve differences between people by making them work together. We also done a mind map. Miss told us a scenario of mediating which made me understand what it meant as I was a bit confused at the start. We also watched three videos about immigrants from Syria and we read an article on JK Rowling tweeting a sarcastic tweet about Syrian immigrants. We wrote a couple of bullet points on each article.